May 2023 Update
Marketing & (Pre)sales
In the past 9 months, we attended ICBC, Juice Summit, Sial, AFFI-Con, California Food Processors and Expo West. We continue to see high interest and anticipation in our operation in Fowler. We are aware that the trend of focusing on sustainability and upcycling perfectly align with our mission, strengthened by a demand for US made products.
Our pre-operation marketing has yielded interest from over 40 companies, many of which have positioned themselves at the front of the line by sending in Letters of Intent. In the coming weeks, we will further align planning, requirements and specs with the aforementioned companies.
One of the unexpected facts we discovered while attending the various conferences and shows was the huge amount of “grade-offs” that numerous large retailers contend with. Essentially, these retailers pay to throw away their produce that does not meet their standard for the fresh or frozen market. The “grade-offs” are perfectly suited for processing in our facility. This large amount of potential raw product is a significant opportunity for Sierra Agra that we had not learned about until attending the shows referenced above.
Our strategic location in Fowler, CA, right off highway 99, ensures our access to a nearly unlimited supply of raw product in our own backyard. This easy access to product is essential to our goals and planning.
The Production Facility
We have learned that our location in California, the US State with the highest requirements regarding food processing, is actually a huge advantage. It takes time, lots of time, but once completed, these requirements will position us to go above and beyond any additional next steps. Our path to compliance is progressing well. We enjoy enormous local support and intense collaboration with our partner Tropical Food Machinery in Italy.
We are raising for a series B. If interested, please reach out and, if appropriate, we will supply you with an investor deck containing further details.
We will keep you in the loop regarding our progress and will send a follow-up with a short survey for your product and spec requirements as we get closer to operations.
And as usual: When you have questions, please reach out!